Different Parts Of The Computer

Name of the main parts of the computer
Name of the main parts of the computer

Name of the main parts of the computer

Name of the main parts of the computer: If you are a bit familiar with computers then you would know that the Computer is not a single Part or Device. Rather, a computer is a system in which the various devices (parts) work together collectively.

The parts of the computer which can be seen and touched are called Hardware. And on the other hand, the parts of the computer that cannot be seen and touched, and these are instructions or programs that tell the hardware what to do, they are called software.

In this Lesson, we will know some main parts of the Computer. Which should be on a desktop computer. A computer consists of these parts. Computer parts are divided into several categories. parts of the computer.

Table of Content

  1. Computer case
  2. Input devices
  3. Output devices
  4. Storage Devices

Let us now know about each category of Computer Parts.

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1.Computer Case

Computer Case has its own place in Computer Parts. It is a type of container, which is equipped with many electronic devices of computers, which make the computer. All computers have a System Unit. Its shape is like a small box. It mainly consists of the following electronic devices.

  1. Motherboard
  2. CPU
  3. Memory
  4. Power Supply Unit

2.Input Devices

The tools of computer parts with which we deliver instructions or data to the computer are the Input Devices. There are many types of these.

  1. Mouse
  2. Keyboard
  3. Scanner
  4. Joy Stick
  5. Touch screen
  6. Webcam
  7. Digital camera

3.Output Devices

The instructions or data that are sent to the computer with the help of input devices, the computer processes those instructions and gives the desired result by the user. This result is viewed by the user of computer parts, devices, or read. Those devices are Output Devices. There are many types of these.

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  1. Monitor
  2. Speaker
  3. Printer

4.Storage Devices

Storage devices in computer parts are known as memory in common language. These tools of Computer Parts work for a long time to store our instructions, data, and information. The storage device is mainly as follows.
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  1. Hard Disk Drive
  2. Floppy Disk Drive
  3. CD or DVD Drive

What Have You Learned?

In this lesson, we have learned about various categories of Computer Parts. We have also learned about Input Devices, Output Devices, Storage Devices, etc. in Computer Parts. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you. Know about devices, storage devices, etc. We hope that this Lesson has proved useful to you.

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