What Is A Computer

What Is A Computer, Its Features, History, Definition Information
What Is A Computer, Its Features, History, Definition Information 

What Is A Computer, Its Features, History, Definition Information 

The computer has become an important part of our life. It is used daily from school to office. And computers are being used a lot in homes to handle daily work.

So we all should introduce computers well. Only then can we succeed in using this electronic device properly. In addition, important questions related to computers are also asked in competitions. Due to this, it is important to have basic knowledge of the computer.

Keeping all these things in mind, I have prepared this article. In which I am giving complete information about the computer. For the convenience of the study, this article is divided into the following parts.

Table of Content

  1. What is a computer?
  2. What is the definition of a computer?
  3. What is the full form of a computer?
  4. Types of computer
  5. Introduction to computer
  6. Computer features
  7. Computer limitations
  8. History of computer

What is Computer - What is Computer?

Computer Kya Hai in Hindi
“Computer एक मशीन है जो कुछ तय निर्देशों के अनुसार कार्य को संपादित करते है. और ज्यादा कहे तो Computer एक इलेक्ट्रोनिक उपकरण है जो इनपुट उपकरणों की मदद से आँकडों को स्वीकार करता है उन्हें प्रोसेस करता है और उन आँकडों को आउटपुट उपकरणों की मदद से  सूचना के रूप में प्रदान करता है.”

Hundreds of thoughts start coming in the mind as soon as I hear the name of the computer. Because computers can do hundreds of activities alone. Yes, hundreds! You read it right and that too together. Tying a computer into words is a bit difficult. This is because every person uses the computer for different tasks.

There is also a common belief about computers that Computer is an English word. Computer meaning (Computer Meaning (गणना) in Hindi) is "Count". This means that the computer is a calculator. However, it would be wrong to call a computer a connecting machine. Because in addition to connecting the computer, hundreds of different functions.

If you ask a writer/typist what is a computer? So he might say that computers are a type of machine. Similarly, if we asked a child playing a game, he might say that a computer is a game machine. If you ask the computer operator, he will try to define it in terms of the machine handling the office.

Therefore, we can say that the computer cannot be tied in any one sense. The meaning of a computer is different for each person depending on its usage.

Despite the meaning of computers, we have tried to define a computer for you. You cannot consider the definition of this computer as a certified definition of a computer. Because the meanings of computers also change depending on the task.

Computer Definition - Computer Definition 

“Computer is a machine that performs tasks according to certain instructions. To say more, a computer is an electronic device that accepts data with the help of input devices and processes them and provides those data in the form of information with the help of output devices. "

It is clear from this definition that the computer takes some instructions from the user first which are entered with the help of various input devices. Those instructions are then processed, and finally return the results based on the instructions, which are displayed with the help of output devices.

Instructions include several types of data. like; Numbers, alphabet, figures, etc. According to this data, the computer makes the result. If the computer is given the wrong data, then the computer also gives the wrong result. This means that the computer works on the rule of GIGO - Garbage in Garbage Out.

Do you know?

The father of the computer, "Charles Babbage" has been considered. In 1833, he invented the Analytical Engine, which became the basis of modern computers. For this reason, he was given the title of Father of Computer.

What is the full form of computer - Computer Full Form 

Even today, computers are not able to tie a computer to a definition because it is a very useful machine. In this link, the full name of the computer is also discussed. Which different people and institutions have interpreted differently based on their experience. However, none of these is Standard Full Form. We have given below the full form of a computer for you. Which is quite popular and expressive.

  • C - Common
  • O - Operating
  • M - Machine
  • P - Particularly
  • U - Used in
  • T - Technology
  • E - Education and
  • R - Research

That is, Common Operating Machine Particularly Used in Technology Education and Research.

Different types of computer

There are mainly three types of computers. You can get more information about them from the computer type of Lesson.

  • Application
  • Purpose
  • Size

Computer Introduction - Computer Introduction 

The computer cannot do its work alone. The computer takes the help of many types of devices and programs to perform a task. These computer tools and programs are known as 'Hardware and Software' respectively. You will be able to know about this computer equipment and programs in the next Lessons. This is how a common computer looks like.

The computer you are seeing above is called 'Desktop Computer'. In the present time, this type of computer is more popular. In this photo you will be seeing many different devices, all of them together make a computer machine. Let us know about these devices in brief.

1. System Unit

A System Unit is a box in which the computer has the necessary equipment to do its work. The system unit is also called CPU (Central Processing Unit). There are tools like motherboard, processor, etc. that make the computer workable. It is also called Computer Case.

2. Monitor

A monitor is an output tool that shows the results of the instructions given to us. It is exactly like TV. Currently, LCDs and LEDs have been replaced by monitors.

3. Keyboard

A keyboard is an input tool used to instruct us on computers. With its help, the desired data and instructions are given to the computer. There are different types of keys in it, through which data and instructions are sent to the computer. You can learn to use the keyboard from here.

4. Mouse

A mouse is also an input tool used to instruct a computer. We select the program available in the Computer by this. You can learn to use the mouse from here.

5. Speakers

Speakers are output devices that help us listen to the voice from computers. Through these, we hear the sounds available in songs, films, programs, and games, etc.

6. Printer

A printer is also an output tool for receiving computer-analyzed information on paper. The information received on paper is also called 'hardcopy'. And on the contrary, the information which remains in the computer itself is called 'softcopy'.

Characteristics of computers - Characteristics of Computer 

The computer has captured most of the work that we humans do and has given the man more work capacity than his capacity. All this is possible due to the special properties of computer machines. That's why we humans are making computers a part of our lives. Some of the special features of a computer are as follows.

1. Speed ​​- Speed

  1. Computers work very fast.
  2. It can process millions of instructions in just one second.
  3. The computer's data processing speed is measured in microseconds (10–6), nanoseconds (10–9) and picoseconds (10–12).
  4. Typically the speed of a unit of the processor is tens of millions of instructions per second, ie MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second).
  5. This machine has been built to work at a rapid pace.

2. Accuracy - Accuracy

  1. The computer works on the principle of GIGO (Garbage in Garbage Out).
  2. The results produced by it remain impeccable. If an error occurs in a result, it is based on human intervention and the instructions entered.
  3. The accuracy of its results is much higher than the human results.

3. Hard-working - Diligence

  1. Computers are a fatigue-free and hardworking machine.
  2. It can perform its work smoothly with equal purity without stopping, tired and boredom.
  3. It fulfills the first and last instructions with equal concentration, focus, hard work, and purity.

4. Multiplex - Versatility

  1. Computers are a multi-purpose machine.
  2. In addition to computing, the computer is capable of many useful functions.
  3. Through this, we can do all the necessary work like typing, documents, reports, graphics, videos, emails, etc.

5. Automatic - Automation

  1. Computers are also an automatic machine.
  2. It can complete many tasks without human intervention.
  3. Automation is its great quality.

6. Communication

  1. A computer machine can also interact with other electronic devices.
  2. Through this network, you can easily exchange your data with each other.

7. Storage Capacity - Storage Capacity

  1. The computer has a very large memory.
  2. The results produced in computer memory, instructions received, data, information and all other types of data can be stored in various forms.
  3. Storage capacity avoids duplication of computer work.

8. Reliable - Reliability

  1. It is a reliable and reliable machine.
  2. It has a long life.
  3. Its assistive devices can be easily turned and maintained.

9. Nature's Friend - Nature-Friendly

  1. Computers do not use paper to do their work.
  2. Even for storing data, paper documents do not have to be made.
  3. Therefore, computers are indirectly the protectors of nature. And this also reduces the cost.

10. Limitations of computers - Limitations of Computer 

  1. Computers are a machine that we humans have to depend on to do our work. As long as there are no specific entries in it, it cannot produce any result.
  2. There is no discretion in this. These are intelligent machines. It does not have the ability to think and understand. But at the present time, the ability of thinking and reasoning of computers is being developed by Artificial Intelligence.
  3. It needs a clean environment to make it work. Because its functionality is affected in a dusty place. And it can also stop working.

History of Computer - History of Computer 

Modern computers are the result of history. Which started in BC. When the Chinese invented the abacus. After these various types of automatic machines came into existence. And the automatic engine made by Charles Babbage became the basis of today's computers.

The history of computers is full of similar ups and downs. Which are summarized below?

  1. Abacus was the first calculating machine in the world by which normal calculations (add, subtract) could be done.
  2. Abacus was invented around 2500 years ago (its exact time is not known) by the Chinese.
  3. This device remained the only gun to be gunned until the 17th century.
  4. In 1017 John Napier mentioned his mathematical tools in his book "Rabdology". Named "Napier's Bones". This device was used to calculate the products and find the quotient. The method used to perform the calculations in this device was called 'Rebology'.
  5. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division can also be done by this device.
  6. A few years after John Napier's invention (around 1620), the Honorable William Oughtred invented the "Slide Rule".
  7. By this, calculations like multiplication, division, square root, trigonometry could be done. But less used for addition and subtraction.
  8. In 1642, at the young age of 18, Math created the first practical mechanical calculator by a French scientist and philosopher.
  9. The name of this calculator was "Pascalin".
  10. By which calculations could be done.
  11. Then in 1671, the advanced machine named Step Reckoner was invented, reforming Pascal in. In addition to adding, subtracting, could also do multiplication, division, square root.
  12. This machine, developed by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, also had storage capacity.
  13. The Binary System was also developed by them. In 1845, an English mathematical branch named 'Boolean Algebra' was invented by an Englishman George Boole.
  14. Modern computers rely on this binary system and the Bullying algebra to process data and perform logical tasks.
  15. In 1804 Joseph-Marie-Jacquard, a French weaver made a handloom. Whose name was ‘Jacquard Loom’.
  16. It is considered the first 'information-processed' device.
  17. And the invention of this device proved that machines could be operated by machine code.
  18. In 1820, Thomas de Colmar of France created a new calculating machine called "Arithmometer".
  19. By which the four basic functions of mathematics could be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided.
  20. But due to World War II, the development of this machine stopped.
  21. In 1822, the father of modern computers, the Honorable Charles Babbage invented an automatic mechanical calculator to tabulate the "polynomial function".
  22. The name of this calculator was "Difference Engine".
  23. It was driven by steam and its size was very large.
  24. It had the ability to store, calculate and print programs.
  25. In 1833, the "Analytical Engine" was designed after about a decade of this engine.
  26. This engine is considered to be the initial format of modern computers. That's why "Charles Babbage" is called the father of the computer.
  27. This machine had all the things that are in a modern computer.
  28. In Analytical Engine, Mill (CPU), Store (Memory), Reader and The printer (Input / Output) was working.
  29. Now the foundation of modern computers had been laid.

After this, the computer developed rapidly. And new technologies were invented. Because of which the computer got out of the huge room and got into our hands. This development sequence is divided into generations. The descriptions of which are as follows.

What Have You Learned?

Full information about computers is given in this article. Did you know what a computer is? Computer features, limitations, computer history, etc. I hope this article will prove useful to you.
If you are preparing for a computer test related to the computer, then this article is very helpful for you. Therefore, you are requested to share this article with your friends so that they too get the benefit of it.

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