Input Devices Of Computer-What is the input device?

What is the input device?-Input Devices Of Computer?

What is the input device?-Input Devices Of Computer: The computer cannot do its work on its own. Work is done by a computer. For which he has to give necessary instructions and data. Special tools are used to deliver data and instructions. Which we call Input Device.

In this Lesson, we are giving you the names and complete information on the major input devices of the computer. These devices are the most commonly used and popular input devices. That is why we have chosen them for this Lesson. Apart from these, more input devices are available.


The keyboard is an input device, with which we give instructions and data to the computer. Keyboards are mainly used to write text. However, some special functions and commands are also given by the keyboard.

The keyboard is designed like a Typewriter. Which has more than 100 Keys? Keyboard Keys are divided into Function Keys, Typing Keys, Control Keys, Navigation Keys, and Numeric Keys.


A mouse is a typical but common input device. Also called a Pointing Device. The mouse is mainly used to select, move, move items, open and close items on the computer screen.

A computer mouse usually looks like a real mouse. It is small and rectangular, connected by a cable to the computer. But nowadays, wireless mouses have also come in the market.

Touch screen

Touch Screen is also an input device. did you now? It makes the function of both the keyboard and mouse alone. On touching it with the finger or stylus, it registers the event and sends it to the computer for processing. Icons and text are used for navigation on the touch screen.

Joy Stick

The Joy Stick is also a mouse-like input device. Which are used to control Cursor or Pointer? It is used more in Computer Games and Graphic Designing.

The Joy Stick has a similar gear shape. In which there is a round or square base with Lever or stick. Shaking this stick is controlled to Cursor / Pointer. Nowadays, there are also buttons in Joy Sticks called Triggers.

Light pen

Light Pen is a pointing input device. Which is used to select the text, draw a picture. Its texture is like a ball pen. Light Pen is also considered to be the birth giver of the Touch Screen.


Track Ball is an input device used to control the pointer. There is a half-sunken ball in its base. The pointer stir when shaken. The trackball also has buttons that act like a mouse button.


The scanner is like a photocopy machine and works. But the result is the opposite. With the help of Scanner, we deliver the hard copy ie the data available on paper to the computer. Which you can also edit and print before using.


Webcam which stands for Web Camera. There is a small Digital Camera. Which is directly connected to the computer. Which are controlled with the help of software? It is used for video calling, video recording, photographing.

Nowadays, there is a Webcam Built-In laptop. But for computers, it has to be purchased separately. And in Smart Phones, it is known as Selfie Camera, to put it simply, Front Facing Camera.

Digital camera

Digital Camera is used to take pictures and videos to a computer. These pictures and videos are then manipulated by the Graphic Editor. And then the user can print them.


The microphone is used to provide Sound Input. Thanks to its voice chat, voice can be delivered while calling. And Presentations can be Sound Recorded for Videos.

Graphic Tablet

Graphic Tablet is also called Digitizer. Which is used to write on the computer screen? This input tool converts Graphics and Pictorial Data into Binary Input. It is used a lot in e-learning.


The full name of MICR is Magnet Ink Character Reader. MICR is most commonly used in the financial sector. With the help of this tool, these banking institutions do Cheques processing.

Bank Code and Cheque Number are printed with special ink on Checque. In which the machine's readable Magnetic Particle is found. These machines read the data printed on the Cheques and send it to the computer. This work is done very fast.


The full name of OCR is Optical Character Reader. It is used to convert Printed, Typed and Hand-Written Text into Machine-Encoded Text. OCR is the most effective machine for work like Data Entry.

Bar Code Reader

Bar Code Reader is used to read Bar Coded Data printed on objects. With its help, items are easily counted, trimmed. It acts as a scanner. Those who read the data and send it to the computer.


The full name of OMR is Optical Mark Reader. Which scans the marks of a pen or pencil. It is used to check Answer Sheets. Which are called OMR Sheet? Multidimensional questions are tested by this.

What Have You Learned?

In this lesson, we have provided you complete information about the computer's Input Devices. You have learned that different input devices are used in computers for different tasks. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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