What Is Computer Hardware

Complete Information On What Is Computer Hardware

Complete information on what is computer hardware: The computer has no existence of its own. The computer needs some assistive devices and programs to do its work. These devices and programs make a computer a computer.

In this Lesson, we are talking about the hardware, so let's know what is Hardware - What is Hardware

What is Hardware - What is Hardware?

The parts of the computer that we can see and touch are called hardware. These are the physical parts of the computer. With which our computer's body is made.

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What is computer hardware?

The software adds life to this hardware. And makes it work. Then we get a living and workable computer machine.

The best example of computer hardware is Monitor. That is the device on which you are reading this Tutorial. Because Screen is also a type of hardware that counts in the category of output devices.

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Type of Compute Hardware

1. System Unit

It is a type of container in which many electronic devices of the computer are installed. Its shape is like a small box. It is also called CPU in common language. Which are wrong.

2. Input Devices
Input Device is devices that deliver instructions given by the user to the computer. It is through these that you deliver your order to the computer. Only after this, the computer does its work.

Some popular input devices:

  1. Keyboard
  2. Mouse
  3. Scanner
  4. Touchscreen

3. Output Devices

Output Device is devices that display processed information in a human-understandable form. That is, with the help of the tools we get the result of the work you want to do. They are called output devices.

The most popular output device is:

  1. Monitor
  2. Speaker
  3. Printer
  4. Touchscreen

4. Internal Parts

The parts of the computer that are located within the system unit are called internal devices. You cannot see them outside and they are fragile. Therefore, they need a computer case for their protection only.

Some internal equipment

  1. Motherboard
  2. CPU
  3. Hard Disk Drive
  4. RAM
  5. SMPS
  6. DVD Writer

5. Communication Devices

In these devices, we keep the devices that make one computer capable of contacting another computer. The most popular tool in this category is the Modem.

The mutual relationship between hardware and software

  1. Hardware is the body of a computer, then the software is its soul.
  2. Both are incomplete without each other.
  3. Without hardware, the software cannot do its job and hardware without software is unusable.
  4. To get the job done by the computer, proper software has to be installed on the hardware.
  5. Software is the connection between your user and hardware.

What are hardware upgrades?

Hardware enhancement is called replacing any one or more devices with new technology and capabilities to increase the performance, features, and performance of the computer. Right now your computer is equipped with 2 GB of DDR2 RAM. If you replace it with 4GB DDR2 then it is called upgrading RAM. And the same rule applies to other hardware devices.

You can upgrade any hardware device in the hardware. And you can increase the capacity, feature, speed of your computer and that particular device.

Hardware upgrades are a costly process. Therefore devices should be upgraded only when needed. Don't be tempted by only new technology and more features.

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What Have You Learned?

In this lesson, you learned what Hardware is. How many different devices are needed in a computer? We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you. And you have come to know about Computer Hardware.

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