Generations Of Computer

Generations Of Computer
Generations Of Computer

Complete Information About Computer Generations

Complete information about computer generations: The computer has been developing since its birth. During this time, computers have come from the vacuum tube to the Nickler Artificial Intelligence. And he is sitting in the room leaving the room. He has achieved this growth in the last 70-80 years.

This development period of computer is called Computer Generations. As computer hardware and software changed. Accordingly, Computer Generations were determined. So far, 5 generations of computers - 5 Generations of computers have been determined.

In this Lesson, we will give you complete information about Computer Generations. And together, the characteristics of each generation of computers and the names of some computers will also be told.

First Generation of Computer - First Generations of Computer

The beginning of the first generation of computers has been considered since 1946. Because at this time two great people J.P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchly created the first electronic device based on a vacuum tube. The Vacuum Tube was invented in 1904 by John Ambrose Fleming. This vacuum tube was used in first-generation computers.

Punch Cards, Paper Tap, and Magnetic Tap were used as input devices and output devices. In the first generation of computers, machine language was used as a programming language. And Magnetic Drums were used for memory.

Features of the first-generation computer

  1. Based on vacuum tube
  2. Use of magnetic drums for storage
  3. Use of punch cards for input and output
  4. Size too big and weighing
  5. Use of machine language
  6. Need AC
  7. Very expensive and not reliable
  8. Need constant maintenance

Name of some computers of the first generation

  1. ENIAC - Electronic Numeric Integrated and Calculator
  2. EDVAC
  4. IBM-701
  5. IBM-650

Second Generation of Computer - Second Generation of Computer

The time period of the second generation of computers has been considered as 1956-63. In this generation of computers, transistors were used in place of vacuum tubes. The Transistor was invented in 1947 by William Shockley.

Now primary and secondary memory started being used in computers. And they started supporting Assembly and High-Level Programming Language. And they started using Multi-Programming Operating Systems.

Characteristics of second-generation computers

  1. Based on transistor
  2. Use of Magnetic Core and Tap for memory
  3. FORTON, COBOL languages ​​used
  4. Size is still large and weighing
  5. AC needed for cooling
  6. Work access
  7. Increase in processing speed
  8. Less energy required than the first generation

Name of some computers of the second generation

  1. Honeywell 400
  2. IBM 7094
  3. CDC 1604
  4. CDC 3000 Series
  5. UNIVAC 1108
  6. IBM 1400 Series
Read More: Uses of Computer

Third Generation of Computer

The period of the third generation of computers is considered to be 1964-71. The computers of this generation were based on IC-Integrated Circuit. The IC was invented by an engineer Jack Kilby. A single IC contained a lot of Transistors, Resistors, Capacitors.

The invention of IC greatly reduced the size of computers. Now they could be easily transported from one place to another. And the use of Multi-Programming OS and High-Level Programming Languages ​​further improved.

Third Generation Computer Features

  1. Based on IC
  2. Small and underweight in size
  3. More reliable and expensive
  4. Lack of maintenance
  6. AC needed on low energy consumption
  7. Use of Mouse and Keyboard
  8. Processing faster than other generations
  9. Usage made possible for General Purpose
  10. Increase in executive power

Name of some computers of the third generation

  1. PDP-8
  2. PDP-11
  3. ICL 2900
  4. IBM 360 Series
  5. Honeywell 6000 Series
  6. TDC-B16

Fourth Generation of Computer - Fourth Generations of Computer

The beginning of the fourth generation of computers has been considered since 1971. And the time till 1980 is considered for the fourth generation. During this time, the IC was further developed. This time I could have about 5000 transistors. And its executive capacity was equal to 3,00,00 transistors.

These ICs were called VLSI - Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit. This technology reads the foundation of Microcomputer because Micro Processors were being used at this time. This time brought the computer revolution and the computer reached the common man.

Fourth-generation computers run on Microprocessor. And at this time the GUI-Graphical User Interface developed. And Windows, Mac OS was created. At the same time companies like Microsoft and Apple started. And today they are present.

Characteristics of fourth-generation computers

  1. VLSI Based Microprocessors Based
  2. Use of GUI Based OS
  3. More fast, reliable and pure
  4. Very small and light in size
  5. access to the Internet
  6. Reach common man
  7. No AC needed Fan use
  8. Use of languages ​​like C, C ++, .Net
  9. Less expensive

Name of some fourth-generation computers

  1. IBM 4341
  2. DEC 10
  3. STAR 1000
  4. PUP 11
  5. Macintosh
  6. PCs

Fifth Generation of Computer - Fifth Generations of Computer

The device on which you are reading this Lesson. He is a fifth-generation computer. The fifth-generation period has been considered since 1980 to date. In this period, ULSI - Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuit Based Microprocessors started being used in computers. Due to which it has become very fast and small. Because a ULSI based Microprocessor can contain one crore electronic components.

Computers of the fifth generation are being made to think like humans. For which technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, etc. are constantly being developed and used.

Today's computers are shaped like a hand clock and are also less expensive. Which almost every person can buy. Today, computers have reached every person in the world in some form.

Features of fifth-generation computer

  1. ULSI Based Microprocessor Based
  2. Lightweight, cheap, reliable and fast
  3. More pure, easy to use
  4. Use of GUI based OS
  5. Use of Multimedia, Touchscreen, Web, Voice Control
  6. Non-maintenance
  7. Low energy use
  8. Use of C, C ++, Java, .Net, ASP
  9. Development of artificial intelligence
  10. Development of the Internet of Things

Name of some computers of the fifth generation

  1. Desktop PCs
  2. Macbooks
  3. Laptops
  4. Notebooks
  5. Ultrabooks
  6. Chromebooks
  7. iPhone
  8. iWatch
Read More: What Is A Computer

What Have You Learned?

In this Lesson, we have given you complete information about Computer Generations. You know how the computer developed from the first generation to the fifth generation. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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