What Is Computer Software

Complete Information On What Is Computer Software

Complete information on what is computer software: You are reading this Lesson on software only. Yes, you read it right on a software. Whose name is a web browser?
Actually, computers cannot do their work alone. The computer needs some assistive devices and programs to do its work. These devices and programs make the computer workable.

Table of Content

  1. What is Software - What is Software?
  2. Different Types of Software - Types of Software?
  3. How to make software?
  4. what have you learned?

What is Software - What is Software?

Software is a set of instructions and programs that instruct a computer to complete a particular task. This gives the user the ability to work on a computer. Computers without software are a dead life.
You cannot see the software with your eyes. Nor can it be touched by hand. Because it has no physical existence. It is a virtual object that can only be understood.
If your computer does not have software then your computer will be like a dead animal. Which will remain only a box made of iron and other metals?

If your computer did not have Browsers, then you could not read this Lesson. Apart from this, MS Office, Photoshop, Adobe Reader, Picasa are all software, which enables you to do different tasks on the computer.
The software can get into your computer. It makes him capable of working. And only with the help of software, you can get the computer to do the work you want.

Different types of software - Types of Software 

We use computers for various purposes. And all these types of work cannot be done with the help of only one software.
Therefore, different software is made according to the need of the work. Two main classes of software have been created to facilitate the study.

  1. System software
  2. Application Software

1. System Software

System Software is the software that manages and controls hardware and allows us to perform actions between hardware and software. There are many types of system software.

1.1 Operating System

The Operating System is a computer program that handles other computer programs. The Operating System acts as an intermediary between the user and the computer. It explains our instructions to the computer. Learn more …

  1. Windows
  2. Mac OS
  3. Linux
  4. Android

1.2 Utilities

Utilities are also known as service programs. These computers perform the task of managing and protecting resources. However, they are not directly connected to the hardware. Such as Disk Defragmenter, Anti Virus program, etc. Utility programs.

1.3 Device Drivers

A driver is a special program that connects input and output devices to a computer so that it can communicate with a computer. Such as Audio Drivers, Graphics Drivers, Motherboard Drives, etc.

2. Application Software

Application Software can be called End User Software, as it is directly related to the user. It is also called 'Apps'. Application software gives users the freedom to perform any specific task. There are many types of them.

2.1 Basic Application

Basic Applications are also called General Purpose Software. These are common usage software. We use them for everyday tasks.
Any computer user must use the Basic Application to work on the computer. The names of some General Purpose Software are given below.

  1. Word Processing Programs
  2. Multimedia Programs
  3. DTP Programs
  4. Spreadsheet Programs
  5. Presentation Programs
  6. Graphics Application
  7. Web design application

2.2 Specialized Application

Specialized Application is also called Special Purpose Software. This software is made for a specific purpose. They are also used to do a particular task. Below are given the names of programs made for some specific purpose.

  1. Accounting Software
  2. Billing Software
  3. Report Card Generator
  4. Reservation System
  5. Payroll Management System

How to make software?

Creating computer software is a bit difficult. Because to do this task you have to have a good knowledge of necessary Programming Languages ​​and a lot of patience. Only then you can become a professional software developer.
Dozens of programming languages ​​have been developed to create software. Through which you can make software for different needs.
You cannot become an expert in all languages. Not impossible You can learn. But for starters, you can do it by learning Java, C, C ++ basic languages. And try your hand at Computer Coding.

What Have You Learned?

In this Lesson, we asked you what is software? Different types of computer software and their names etc. are given full information. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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