Complete information about Computer RAM

Complete information about Computer RAM

Complete information about Computer RAM: The full name of RAM is Random Access Memory. It is also called Main Memory and Primary Memory. RAM stores data and instructions for the work currently being done by the CPU. This memory is part of the CPU. Therefore, its data can be Direct Access.

Data and instructions in RAM are stored in Cells. Each cell is made up of some Raws and Columns, which have their own unique address. It is also called a Cell Path. CPUs can receive different data from these Cells. And that too without sequent means the data available in RAM can be randomly accessed. Probably due to this feature, this memory is named Random Access Memory.

RAM is a volatile memory. Therefore, Store Data does not remain in this store forever. As long as the Power Supply is on in RAM. Till then the data remains. When the computer is shut down, all the data of RAM is automatically entered.

RAM features

  1. Are part of the CPU.
  2. Without this, the computer cannot do its job.
  3. The computer has a primary memory.
  4. Available data can be randomly accessed.
  5. Temporary but fast.
  6. RAM is expensive.
  7. Storage varies.

Types of RAM

The computer is constantly developing. Due to which its other important parts also have to be upgraded. Which also includes RAM. RAM has also become available in different job features due to development. Which can be divided into two major types.

  1. Sram
  2. DRAM


The full name of SRAM is Static Random Access Memory. In which the word "Static" indicates that the data in this RAM is constant. And there is no need to refresh it again and again.

SRAM is also a Volatile Memory. Therefore, data remains in it till it is Power On. All data is automatically deleted as soon as power off. This memory is used as Cache Memory.


The full name of DRAM is Dynamic Random Access Memory. In which the word "Dynamic" means moving. That means always changing. So this RAM has to be constantly refreshed. Only then can data be stored in it.

The DRAM is used as the CPU's main memory. Because data can be randomly obtained from it. And new data is stored automatically. Due to which the efficiency of CPU remains fast.

The DRAM is also volatile. Therefore, in this too, data remains stored till Power Supply On. Nowadays DRAM is used only in devices like Computers, Smartphones, Tablets, etc. Because it is cheaper than SRAM.

What Have You Learned?

In this Lesson, we have provided you complete information about Computer RAM. Did you know what RAM is? And you have also become aware of different types of RAM. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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