Complete Information About Computer ROM

Complete Information About Computer ROM

Complete Information About Computer ROM: The full name of ROM is Read-Only Memory. That is, its data can only be read. New data cannot be added to it. Because it is given once by Write by Manufactures.

Instructions related to Computer Functionality are stored in ROM. Which includes turning on the computer. This is called 'Booting'. Apart from computers, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, and other electronic devices are also programmed by ROM.

What is Computer ROM  

A ROM is a Non-Volatile Memory. Meaning store data is available in it forever. Data is not deleted even when power is off. These are also the primary memory of the computer.

ROM features

  1. ROMs are permanent memory.
  2. The instructions of Basic Functionality remain store.
  3. Are readable only.
  4. They are cheaper than RAM.
  5. The CPU is part of the memory.

Types of ROM

  1. MROM
  2. PROM
  3. EPROM


The full name of MROM is Mask Read-Only Memory. It is programmed within the device by the manufactures. MROMs are cheaper than other ROMs and provide the ability to store more data in less space. Meaning its data store density is high.


The full name of PROM is Programmable Read-Only Memory. Data is written once in this Memory Chip. Which is always intact.

Special tools are used to write data in PROM. They are also called PROM Programmer or PROM Burner. And the process of writing data in PROM is called PROM Burning.


Its full name is Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. As is clear from its name. The data available in this ROM can also be erased. Ultra-Violet Light is used to erase data.


The full name of EEPROM is Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. Whose data can be erased by an Electrical Charge? It is slightly slower than other ROMs.

What Have You Learned?

In this Lesson, we have provided you complete information about Computer ROM. You have also become aware of different types of ROM. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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