What is Computer Memory?

Complete Information On Computer Memory?

Complete information on Computer Memory?: We humans use the brain to remember. But a computer does not have a brain like ours. It uses memory to remember data and instructions. Which is called Computer Memory.

In this lesson, we will give you complete information about this computer memory. For the convenience of the study, we have divided this Lesson into the following parts.

Table of Content

  1. What is Computer Memory - What is Memory?
  2. Different types of memory - Types of Computer Memory?
  3. Cache Memory
  4. Primary Memory  
  5. Secondary Memory  
  6. Computer Memory Units  
  7. what have you learned?

What is Computer Memory - What is Computer Memory?

Storing the received data, instructions and results are called storing memory. It is also called memorizing in common language. That is memory. The device that a computer uses to remember is called computer memory.

Computer memory works to store data. And if necessary, make it available to the computer. The memory is divided into small parts. Each part is called a cell.

Each cell available in memory has its own unique identity. Which is called Cell Address / Path. Data is stored in these cells only. This data is stored in Binary Digits (0, 1).

Different types of Computer Memory - Types of Computer Memory
Data is stored in a computer in a permanent and temporary form. For which he uses different types of memory. Those are classified as such.

  1. Cache Memory
  2. Primary memory
  3. Secondary memory

1. What is Cache Memory?

This memory is very fast. In this memory, most of the programs and instructions used are stored. So that CPU - Central Processing Unit can work faster.

Cache memory is located between CPU and Main Memory. That is, the CPU already gets the store data and instructions in Cache Memory. And the duplication of work is saved. Because he no longer has to go to primary memory to get instructions and data for a task. So the CPU works faster.

In Cache Memory, these data and instructions are sent by the Operating System. These are then used by the CPU. This memory is owned by Store Capacity Limited. Therefore, we have to clean it again and again. This data is not useful for the user.

Features of Cache Memory

  1. Cache memory is faster than primary memory.
  2. In this, data is stored temporarily.
  3. In this, instructions for most programs and functions are stored.
  4. Its storage capacity is limited.
  5. Stored data has to be cleaned again and again.

2. What is Primary Memory?

Primary Memory is also called Main Memory and Volatile Memory. This memory is part of the CPU. From where the CPU receives data and instructions. And preserve after processing.

The primary memory contains the instructions and data of the work currently being done. These memories are temporary. After completion of the work, the stored data is automatically deleted and the data of the next job is stored. It is a continuous process. Even if the computer Shut Down, all the data gets deleted.

There are two types of primary memory.

  1. RAM or Volatile Memory
  2. ROM or Non-Volatile Memory

Features of Primary Memory

  1. These memories are temporary.
  2. It is part of the CPU.
  3. Data is automatically deleted after power supply or after completion of work.
  4. Without this, the computer cannot work.
  5. Exceed memory faster.

3. What is the Secondary Memory?

It is also known as External (Additional) and Non-Volatile Memory. It is used to store data Permanently. The data stored in this memory remains secure forever. Which user and computer can access anytime.

Secondary memory is not part of the CPU. Its data goes to the main memory first, only then the CPU can use it. Its storage capacity is very high. Such as Hard disks, CD, DVD, Pen Drives, etc.

Features of Secondary Memory

  1. These are permanent memory.
  2. Data is stored forever.
  3. Its speed is a little less.
  4. Store capacity is very high.
  5. Data remains protected even when the work is finished or the computer is turned off.

Computer Memory Units 

Data is stored as 0 and 1 in Computer Memory. These two numbers are called Binary Digits and Bits. Each number represents one bit. Therefore, the smallest unit of computer memory is Bit.

A set of these binary digits is made to represent small characters of memory. It starts with 8 Digits or 8 Bits (eg; 10011001). These 8 Bits are equal to 1 Byte.

Similarly, a larger set of these Bits are made to represent more data. Those are named based on the number of Bits. Below we are talking about the Bits Sets made so far.

  1. Bit = 0 or 1
  2. 4 Bit = 1 Nibble
  3. 2 Nibble and 8 Bit = 1 Byte
  4. 1024 Byte = 1 KB (KiloByte)
  5. 1024 KB = 1 MB (MegaByte)
  6. 1024 MB = 1 GB (GigaByte)
  7. 1024 GB = 1 TB (TeraByte)
  8. 1024 TB = 1 PB (Penta Byte)
  9. 1024 PB = 1 EB (Exa Byte)
  10. 1024 EB = 1 ZB (Zetta Byte)
  11. 1024 ZB = 1 YB (Yotta Byte)
  12. 1024 YB = 1 BB (Bronto Byte)
  13. 1024 BB = 1 GB (Geop Byte)

Note: - Bit is represented by a small "b" of English. And Byte is represented by the big "B" of English. like; You cannot consider 200 Mbps as equal to 200 MBps. Because 200 Mbps means 200 Mega Bits Per Second. And the other 200 MBps means 200 MegaByte Per Second.

What Have You Learned?

In this Lesson, we have provided you complete information on Computer Memory. You have also learned various types of computer memory. We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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