What is CPU

What is CPU Full Information Of CPU 

What is CPU Full Information Of CPU: CPU is an important part of the computer. Without which the computer cannot do its work. In this lesson, we will give you complete information about the CPU. You will know what the CPU is? How does CPU work? What are the parts of the CPU?


The full name of the CPU (CPU Full Form) is the Central Processing Unit. Which is also called Processor, Microprocessor and CPU only. It is also called the brain of a computer. Because the CPU handles all the instructions from the computer and from the Hardware and Softwares. And receives instructions and data received from Input Devices, processes it and gives the results.

Usually, in the absence of new users or information, people start thinking of the CPU as a computer. But these are wrong, CPU is a small but very important part of computer. Which stays in the motherboard.

The CPU accomplishes its task with the help of three assistive devices. Whose names are given below?

  1. Memory
  2. Control unit
  3. ALU

1. Memory

Memory can also be considered as a computer warehouse or a storage planet. Because the data is stored in it. The CPU stores the received instructions and data in its memory first and then after processing the data again, stores it in memory itself. Which the user can use at any time.

The computer uses a different memory for this task. The memory in which Unprocessed Data (Input) is kept is called Primary Memory (RAM). And the memory in which Processed Data (Output) is sent is called Secondary Memory (ROM).

2. Control Unit

The Control Unit, also called the CU, is the manager of the computer. Which controls all operations. Control Unit Memory, Logical Unit tells Input & Output Devices how to follow the instructions received from a program.

The Control Unit receives instructions from memory and decodes it and sends it to the Central Processor. Then that particular event is processed. And this process keeps ongoing.

3. ALU

The full name of ALU is Arithmetic Logical Unit. This unit performs only two functions. Perform mathematical operations on the first data. And second, to give the result. ALU is the most complex and important part unit of CPU.

ALU performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. in mathematical operations. And to give a decision, data matching, comparing, sorting, etc. are done. Then they reach a decision. Which is called Output. After completion of one work, this process is repeated to do another work again.

What Have You Learned?

In this Lesson, we have provided you complete information on Computer CPU. You know what processes the CPU performs to perform its task. And what assistive devices does it take? We hope that this Lesson will prove useful to you.

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